27. January 2023

Inspiring Bootcamp

The Arctic Accelerator is a free six-month program designed to make business ideas investment-ready for entrepreneurs and startups. Since 2016, it has been empowering Northern Norwegian startups with deep expertise in business development and capital fundraising.

What surprised you most during your time in Tromsø?

“First and foremost, the exceptional expertise of the organizers. Their guidance was invaluable. I was also impressed by the thorough preparation they put into selecting candidates for the program.”

How will you make use of this ‘vitamin injection’ going forward?

“Now that we’re part of the program, our dedicated mentor will help sharpen our expertise to focus on the most impactful tasks. As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to feel that every task is equally important, so this focus is incredibly valuable.”

Another gathering on the horizon?

“Yes, it’s an intense program. In just three months, we’ll have a Demo Day in Tromsø, where we’ll pitch to a group of seasoned investors.”

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